Call for Virtual Networking Support Manager

The COST Action FIT4NANO CA19140 is collecting applications for a Virtual Networking Support Manager (VNS manager). The successful applicant will receive up to 4000€ to support their duties during the First Grant Period (GP1) of the Action ending on 31.10.2021. This is one time payment and can be used for the defined tasks and duties in line with the current version of the COST Vademecum (see section 10.1.3). 

It is expected that the VNS manager develops a strategy for virtual networking inside the Action and with stake holders outside the Action. This strategy should cover all Action activities and also given an outlook for the following GPs until the end of the Action. 

In addition to the development of a strategy on virtual networking in the Action the VNS manager will be responsible for: 

  • The planning and management of virtual meetings
  • Advice in the selection of the best tools for reaching the goals defined by the MoU and the VNT strategy (GDPR, costs, . . . ).
  • Manage the calls, awarding of the Virtual Mobility (VM) grants.
  • Reporting of all ongoing activities to the CG and MC.
  • Providing a report at the end of the GP

The deadline for the submission of the complete application is 9th June 2021. 

For more information including the application process, please click on the button below: